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Brand & Blog Articles

 for Fashion, Lifestyle & Wellness Brands

MÉTASELF | Reverence For Rest

You deserve rest. It’s easy to forget how rapidly our minds and bodies can enter fight-or-flight when we’re under day-to-day mental and physical distress. Our natural response is to look for ways to feel safe. Unfortunately, this response is often made worse by our anxiety, fears and decision fatigue. Learning to rest and restore is the key.

Self-soothing and regulating your nervous system will get you back into a rest-and-digest mode (a more gentle and balanced mental and emotional state), so

MÉTASELF | The Actualized Self, Explored

Self-actualization is explored through the work of personal development and self-growth commonly visualized by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In short, it’s how humans are able to reach their highest potential based on the needs they learn to fulfill for themselves in this life.

What is self-actualization & how does it relate to healing? Here’s a breakdown:
• None - learning to give ourselves the basics we need to survive (food, shelter, etc.)
• None safety - the security (like jobs) we need to f
Photo by Chris Tombrella on Pexels

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